Loyalty Rewards & Amazon Gift Cards

Learn more about HoneyCart’s Loyalty Rewards & Amazon Gift Cards feature.

Loyalty Rewards Program for Catering Clients

3rd-party catering sites use rewards programs to get customers to keep coming back and ordering from them.

HoneyCart gives you the same ability to give customers rewards so you can:

  • Attract new/more customers
  • Retain existing customers
  • Create happy and loyal customers

Whenever someone orders from you, they can earn rewards as soon their order is paid for. They can then accumulate points to use towards future orders.

Amazon Gift Cards 

HoneyCart lets you reward your catering clients with Amazon Gift Cards.

3rd-party catering platforms use this exact strategy to drive repeat business from office admins and pharma-reps that order drop-off catering frequently.

If clients don’t want to use their rewards on food orders, they can redeem them for Amazon Gift Cards instead.

Learn how to set this up in HoneyCart so you can start driving more repeat business.

Loyalty Rewards – Apply Before vs After-Tax

HoneyCart’s Loyalty Rewards feature lets you set whether rewards should be applied to a customer’s order on a before-tax vs after-tax basis.

When we first released our Loyalty Rewards feature, we always applied the rewards on an after-tax basis to the order.

This was not compliant with how certain states prefer merchants to apply discounts & rewards.

We fixed this problem by giving you the option to apply rewards on a before-tax OR after-tax basis.

What you choose depends on how your state recommends merchants handle reward points when calculating sales tax.

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